Country: UA/EE
Artist of the week

Nikolaienko is a Ukrainian sound artist currently based in Tallinn, Estonia. Dmytro works mainly with outdated musical gear, which he uses to produce tape and cassette loops as a base material for his sound collages, like in his recent album “Rings” (2021), released on Jan Jelinek’s Faitiche label. He also has releases and appearances on such labels as 12th Isle, Graphical, Porridge Bullet, Kvitnu, Nexsound, Muscut and others.

At the same time, Dmytro Nikolaienko is also a founder of Muscut (est. 2012, Kyiv) – a label focused on modern avant-garde Eastern European artists (Chillera, Pavel Milyakov, Mlin Patz, Bryozone, Indirect etc.) and a co-founder of Shukai – an archival label focused on bringing back to life the lost tapes from the underrated artists persecuted by censorship of Soviet period (Valentina Goncharova, Volodymyr Bystriakov, Shapoval Sextet etc.).

Download press photo here (credit: Dmytro Prutkin).

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