Country: BR/DE

Brazil-born, Berlin-based alys(alys)alys explores the (un)common ground between experimental, club, and soundcloud music; crafting a dynamic approach to her own productions and eclectic DJ sets. Since 2018, she has performed in venues and parties such as Berlin Atonal, CTM Festival, Venice Biennale, Herrensauna, as well as in some of the notorious Brazilian parties such as Mamba Negra.

alys is also a resident of DRY, a Berlin-based music collective intended to connect and foster exchanges between queer, bipoc, and boundary-pushing individuals. In the meantime, she has been working as the producer of singer songwriter Monstera Black, this year their first EP “Awkward Attraction” came out through the Berlin label Voitax. In 2023 she released the second volume of her genre-blurring compilation ‘booty&legs’ featuring club-ready music that sits at the intersection of experimental club music and pop.

alys(alys)alys is an artist of the SHAPE+ platform for innovative music and interdisciplinary art, co-funded by the European Union and Pro Helvetia.

Download press photo here (credit – Rafael Costa Messias).
