Country: FR/KR

Ha Kyoon is a protean artist born in South Korea, raised in France and based in Paris. The body or physicality have always been central, whatever forms it has taken, in the performing arts or music. With a circus, dance & acting background, he has collaborated with different artists in the performing arts field (Christophe Honoré, Damien Manivel, Philippe Quesne, Clédat & Petitpierre, Phia Ménard, Marcela Santander Corvalàn, Ruth Childs … ) and touring in many countries and cities since 2009.He has co-created with Tsirihaka Harrivel & Vimala Pons the collective Ivan Mosjoukine and the performance “De Nos Jours [Notes on the Circus]” in 2012.

His first solo piece “RUINE” had been created in LE CENTQUATRE-PARIS (still on tour) in 2019, and a short version, “Envers Amour”, had been presented for re-opening ofLa Station Gare-des-Mines/Paris, in september 2020.

HA KYOON is his first musical project (in permanent mutation) with a trigged drum, machines, synths and a voice; he has shared the stage with artists as varied as Angel Karel, Dopplereffekt, Metaraph, Heimat, Jung An Tagen, December, Ascendant Vierge, Flavia Laus, Pelada, UVB76, (…) and played in Paris, Bruxels, Seoul, Busan, Berlin, Shanghai, Beijing, Hamburg, Jakarta, Bandung, and more.

In april 2020, invited by the german label MMODEMM and Theater Mousonturm in Francfort, he did the first version of  “Inverted Méditation – Die Sicht der Wirbel” : a 40 minutes musical act, on head-balanced and handstand. The second version had been presented lately in june 2024 in Paris.

He’s working on a new piece “Memory For The Future”, the first version had been presented at Lafayette Anticipations in Paris last december. He released ep’s on labels WARRIORECORDS, Chronicles Records, & TSA Records.

Ha Kyoon is an artist of the SHAPE+ platform for innovative music and interdisciplinary art, co-funded by the European Union and Pro Helvetia.

Download press photo here (credit – Chloe Magdeleine).


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