Country: SE

Kajsa Magnarsson is acknowledged as a seasoned musician, sound artist and composer

Her oeuvre is characterized by the creation of evocative music and sound art, a thoughtful exploration that contemplates contemporary realities. Operating at the intersection of humor and seriousness, as well as the juncture between reality and fiction, her work embodies a discerning balance that resonates with a broad audience.

A proponent of collaborative endeavors, Kajsa actively engages with other artists and various art forms. Each collaboration is viewed as a strategic opportunity to foster personal development in both craftsmanship and aesthetics, contributing to the continual evolution of her artistic expression.

Kajsa holds a Bachelor of Arts in Composition and Sound Art from the Academy of Music and Drama at Gothenburg University. Her pursuit of excellence extends to her studies in composition at the renowned Universität der Künste in Berlin and the esteemed Gotland School of Composers, solidifying her foundation in the intricacies of musical composition.


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