Country: LV/FI

sofi is a multidisciplinary sound artist and performer who actively uses modern music technologies such as creative audio coding, ambisonics, live improvisation with modular synthesizers and code, and DIY electronics. With a classical background in piano performance and electroacoustic composition, she is currently engaged in artistic research, pursuing a Master’s degree in Music Technology at the Sibelius Academy of Music in Helsinki, Finland. Sofi focuses on creating performances inspired by deep listening as well as exploring the narrative of triggers, noise, and randomness throughout intensive listening sessions. Her artistic vision revolves around utilising sound as a malleable entity to evoke associations and alter perception. Sofi also performs as a DJ and as a part of experimental electronic music duo ”flowerpower”. Sofi has been actively engaged in artistic community within Baltic scene, as well as participating in such esteemed festivals as “Skaņu Mežs” in Riga, Latvia, “Ule Heli ”, “COMMUTE” and “The Dark Side of The Moon” in Talinn, Estonia, “Sola” festival in Helsinki, Finland, “ABOUT BLANK” club in Berlin, Germany etc..

sofi is is an artist of the SHAPE+ platform for innovative music and interdisciplinary art, co-funded by the European Union and Pro Helvetia.


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