Country: CAT/ES

The project was born in 2016 by two singers who explore a cappella the sounds of the different styles in vocal music. Tarta Relena wants to build a repertoire that goes from traditional music to original songs that are related to the geographical area of ​​the Mediterranean. They do not fear to widen the limits of the sacred and the profane. Experimentation is the core of their identity, and the blend of vocal techniques is their creative engine. In the arrangements, the two very different timbres live together with the synthetic sounds and electronic samples. Always looking for complexity in simplicity and maximum expression with the minimum of elements. “És pregunta” Tarta Relena presents a new album that flirts with the notion of tragic thinking: diverse characters who find themselves facing unstoppable consequences, known and unknown at the same time. A conceptual mix of what fate has ready for us, our thirst for knowledge and the inability to integrate future versions of ourselves. They try to capture in music and lyrics the tension and mystery of what we do not understand, coming from logics that escape our usual ways of existing.

Tarta Relena are artists of the SHAPE+ platform for innovative music and interdisciplinary art, co-funded by the European Union and Pro Helvetia.
