Biennale Némo


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Némo, International Biennial of Digital Arts – Paris/Ile-de-France

1st Oct 2015 / 31 Jan 2016

Némo, International Biennial of Digital Arts – Paris/Île-de-France will be held from October 2015 to January 2016 with around 40 venues in the region participating, more than 100 artists and about 70 events. It will focus on contemporary digital art, audiovisual and live performances of digital works and exploratory music, and include a major exhibition lasting for two months at the CENTQUATRE-Paris : Prosopopoeiae: when objects come alive. The line-up will incorporate projects financed as part of Arcadi Île-de-France’s Support Programme, and by its network of regional venues. The Biennial will present projects with a specific theme, and highlights associated events. Il will tackle important issues such as helping the emergence of a real market for digital art, or renovating “variable” media to build a specific patrimony.

Follow festival news on the website, on Facebook and Twitter.


4/10 – Joris Strijbos PARSEC
4/10 – Galerie Charlot Paris : Olivier Ratsi 
13/10 – Maison de la musique de Nanterre: Félicie d’Estienne d’Orves & Etienne Jaumet SATORI
26/10 – opening – 6-9pm & 27-28-29/10 – 2-7pm – Galerie Fernand Léger – Ivry : NEUNUNDNEUNZIG (99) par Martin Bricelj & Olaf Bender
30/10 – Gaité Lyrique Paris :  – Bruma
6-12/11 – Galerie Fernand Léger – Ivry : Olivier Ratsi
24-25/11 – Ircam Live – Gaité Lyrique and Ircam Paris : concerts, workshops, conferences around Holly Herndon’s project: Detour – (Can you still) Do Music your Own Way ? with Assimilation Process, Marco Donnarumma.
5/12 –  Centquatre Paris: Lorenzo Senni – AAT
5/12/15 – 31/01 2016 – Centquatre Paris: installations MÉCANIQUES DISCURSIVES Antivj – HORIZON de Nonotak within the frame of Prosopopoeia exhibition when objects come alive
22/01 – Petit Bain Paris : Syracuse, Julien Bayle
23/01 – Maison des arts de Créteil: Gas Of Latvia with Zane Zelmene, Orson Hentschel

Mondkopf will present a special project called “Spero Lucem” within the framework of the evening “In Paradisum” at the Parisian church “Saint Merry” on 28 January 2016.